Treasure Trail

Treasure Trail Project

untitledTen local primary schools commissioned a national company (North by Northwest Limited, a Treasure Trails Gold partner), to work with pupils to produce 2 professional treasure trails that have a ‘spy’ theme

Treasure Trails are an imaginative and fun way to explore the local area. They are aimed at getting families outside together exploring and learning in a healthy and entertaining way. Each trail consists of an easy to follow route to walk along, whilst solving a set of mathematical clues along the way, to enable a participant to complete a final mission.

Enterprise Day

On Wednesday 8th February, ten pupils (Lucy Cockayne, Luca Hough, Heather Salway, Brandon Hough, Becky Kirk, Max Forsyth, Eliza Thorpe, Thomas Wood, Chelsea Bradley and Alexander Malesev-Walsh) entered a competition to design a new PE logo for all the primary schools in Royton and Shaw. They were put into groups with children from other schools, where they had to design a shirt, and work out a budget for designing and producing it.

Everyone had a great day working as a team and making new friends.

At the end of the day, the teams presented their designs to a panel of judges. As all the designs were excellent, it was decided that a part of each design would would make up the final logo.