Lead Governor & Staff Linking
St Mary’s C E Primary School Lead Governors
Analyse Information and Data: Mr Andrew Green
Closing the Gap for EAL Learners: Mr Ian Buckley
Financial Health and Efficiency: Mr Grahame Benson
Health and Safety in Education: Mr Ian Mayhew
Governor Induction, Training and Mentoring: Mr Grahame Benson
Safeguarding of Children including Prevent: Mr Andrew Green
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND): Mrs Gemma Croston
Emotional Health and Wellbeing: Mrs Melissa Smith
Human Resources (HR) Education Policy: Mrs Kathryn Sanderson
Curriculum and Standards: Mrs Eileen Arthur
Attendance: Mrs N Hague
Digital & Remote Learning: Mr S Day
Careers: Mrs Rachael Deakin
St Mary’s C E Primary School Linking Governors
SEND Governor: Mrs Croston
Staff Link: Mrs Hepworth
Art Governor: Mrs Kathryn Sanderson
Staff Link: Miss Zylko
DT Governor: Mrs Abigail Sweeting
Staff Link: Miss Zylko
Safeguarding Governor: Mr Andrew Green
Staff Link: Mrs Hartley
Early Years Governor: Mr Ian Mayhew
Staff Link: Miss Zylko
Geography Governor: Mr Ian Buckley
Staff Link: Mrs Thomas
History Governor: Mrs Rachael Deakin
Staff Link: Mrs Thomas
ICT Governor: Mr Colin Cunnington
Staff Link: Mrs Hepworth
Literacy Governor: Mrs Eileen Arthur
Staff Link: Mr Day
Children Looked After Governor: Mr Andrew Green
Staff Link: Mrs Hartley
Modern Foreign Languages Governor: Mrs Melissa Smith
Staff Link: Mrs Burke
Music Governor: Mrs Natalie Hague
Staff Link: Miss Hobson/SLT
Numeracy Governor: Mr Grahame Benson
Staff Link: Mrs Burke
P.E. Governor: Mr Andrew Green
Staff Link: Mrs Larder
RE and Worship Governor: Rev Katy Cunliffe
Staff Link: Mrs Booth / Mrs Williams (RE) / Mrs Hartley (Worship)
Health & Wellbeing/PSHE/SRE Governor: Mrs Melissa Smith
Staff Link: Mr Day
Science Governor: Mrs Kathryn Murphy
Staff Link: Mr Amos